Traditionally Australia day gets celebrated with lots of Aussie food, citizenship ceremonies & fireworks in the beautiful summer weather across our beautiful country. There are lots of interesting facts surrounding Australia day that is worthwhile discussing, but you will find that the internet has a number of those already. Trying to find facts on how Australia day is celebrated by true Aussies who are not on Australian soil, is surprisingly much harder to find.
Many Aussies find themselves offshore for different reasons. You might be living in another country for the long term due to your job or your family situation. Maybe you are on a working holiday or a regular overseas holiday… or maybe you are part of the Australian defence forces in a country like Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria. You certainly have the best reason to be celebrating being a true Australian, and will feel the distance from your country even more than any other on the day.
Surely you will wish to celebrate Australia day – how do you go about doing that? It may be a whole different sort of celebration, especially if you are in a country where it is cold and dreary…or far away from your family where days like these make you feel much more homesick than others.
Please share your 2015 overseas Australia day celebrations with us on our Facebook page –
This blog is a small tribute to true Aussies EVERYWHERE. There are many people in Australia who are thinking of you – celebrating in your own way in the country you are in, all the wonderful reasons to be truly AUSTRALIAN. One beautiful Australian fact we will share: The two animals featured on the Australian coat of arms are the Emu and the Kangaroo – the reason for this being that neither animal can walk backwards, but instead can always go forwards, symbolising Australia’s desire to do the same.
Hope this puts a smile on your face, wherever you are celebrating!