How to Make your Home ‘Green’ Part Three

Small and Smart Investments for your Home


Over the month of November, Easy Storage will be exploring the simplest and easiest options of making your home ‘green’, with a three part series blog. Read on for more!

Want to save on those costly bills piling up each month as well as help the environment? We’ve created a simple checklist for you to follow to making your home a ‘greener’ environment.


o Replace your old Fridge

Fridges use more electricity than any other appliance in the home. Older refrigerators use a lot more, so the top priority is to get a good fridge.


o Use Natural Paint

Most paints contain high amounts of chemicals, leading to health problems. When you shop for paint, choose low or zero ‘VOC’ types, or a paint made in natural materials; milk or clay paints.


o Choose Chemical Free Bedding for your Family

You can now buy ‘chemical free’ mattresses for yourself or your children; making their sleep more safe. These mattresses are also far less flammable.


o Upgrade Doors and Windows

When building your home or renovating, choose safer options such as better timber framing for your windows or chemical free carpets.


We hope the three part blog on making your home ‘green’ has helped you to ease your impact on the environment; and that you may enjoy a fresh clean lifestyle.

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