How to Make Your Home ‘Green’ Part One

Over the next 3 blogs, Easy Storage will be exploring the simplest and easiest options of making your home ‘green’, with a three part series blog. Read on for more!

Want to save on those costly bills piling up each month as well as help the environment? We’ve created a simple checklist for you to follow to making your home a ‘greener’ environment.

Simple and Free Options:

o Fill your dishwasher

Most dishwashers can be more efficient than hand washing, by using an ‘economic’ option. Run a full load and let them air dry.


o Use Air Conditioning Wisely

There are certain times of day during the summer where you don’t need to run your air conditioner. After 3pm, open up the doors and windows and let nature fill your home with a fresh afternoon breeze. Or take a dip in the ocean. Keeping your thermostat at a normal level will also help during the hot days.


o Recycle, Recycle and Recycle

Recycling plastic waste can save carbon emissions. Recycling helps your local community, as well as the animals in the sea.


o Unplug your Electronics

Switching lights off when they are not needed can save you a lot on your power bills. Having items plugged in but not switched on, can also continue to suck electricity even if you’re not using them.


o Make your Garden Green

Using natural compost and avoiding pesticides in your garden is far more efficient for the environment and for your lawns also.



Keep an eye on this blog for next week’s instalment of ‘making your home green’ as we offer small cheap options for your home.

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