A helping hand for packing and moving

We can help

  • The biggest question when you need to start packing for moving is normally “where do I start?” Please do not despair!
  • Moving may seem difficult or overwhelming, but if you get the right advice, it can be a lot easier on you than you may think!

At Easy Storage Rockingham we love to offer helpful advice for packing, moving and storage

Be organised

  • Do not delay packing – even if you are a last minute kind of person, packing takes time and you need to start a few weeks before the actual move.
  • Being disorganised in your packing causes confusion. It will cost you time and may even cost you unnecessary money, especially if you are paying someone to help with the move.

Packing boxes

  • Use sturdy, proper moving boxes that can take the weight of your items without giving out
  • At Easy Storage Rockingham you can easily buy quality boxes online
  • We also have a daily changing selection of second hand boxes for sale – some and see them at our box shop today!  
  • Use good quality tape – it is very annoying during moving when boxes keep popping open and this can also cause damage.

How to pack

  • Pack mostly room by room – aim to pack up all in one room, except what you will definitely need in the next 2 weeks. Then you can move to the next room.
  • Start with what you use the least. Collections, books, alternate seasonal clothes, tools you use infrequently, etc. – you get the idea.
  • Ensure you mark boxes clearly for which room it is intended in your NEW place. This way the removalists (or your friends) can put the boxes in the correct room and you will have less clutter while unpacking.
  • Pack a 1st night box which will contain the necessary items you will need straight away in your new place.
  • Make sure you use packing paper, or your own linen and towels to secure valuables.

More help

  • If you need help on how to pack, how to load a trailer and many more tips and tricks, please read our other helpful blogs or visit our Facebook page
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